Egalite (25.4.2015)
Rotaract Club Belgrade Dedinje held international action “Walk with the blind and visually impaired persons” on April 25th, 2015. Rotaractors who supported the action gathered in front of the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade as one of the few institutions accessible to blind persons. Viktor Zivojinovic, honorary member of the Rotaract Club Dedinje Belgrade, introduced the participants in these actions with the life of blind and visually impaired people in Belgrade. Afterwards Rotarators continued a program by walking towards Tašmajdan park. Blind and visually impaired persons were in the role of instructor for people with normal vision. The action consisted in the fact that people with normal vision walked with the blind and visually impaired persons with a blindfold around their eyes. The idea of this action was to approaches the problem of mobility of the blind and visually impaired people in Belgrade by putting all participants of this action in their cloth. Rotaractors from Lebanon, Spain, Austria, and Croatia that participated in this action gave this action an International character. On the end participants were introduced with Goal ball, Paralympic sport for the blind and the announcement. The improvement of life of blind and visually impaired people is highly necessary, that’s why Rotaract Club Belgrade Dedinje promised that this is just a start of one big RTC Dedinje mission called “EGALITE”.