Humanitarian performances – A man in a red suit (Nis, 12/15/2012)
The second premiere of theater performance “The man in the Red Suit” was organized in Niš on 15. december by Rotaract clubs “Niš – Constantine the Great” and “Belgrade – Dedinje.” The Puppet theater was packed, tickets sold out and all the funds collected trough ticket sales and donations are intended for the most vulnerable. In the shadow of our common humanitarian battle, it is worth noting that the criticism of the audience were very positive, and many admitted that now thez have a newlz respectful view of our work, ideas and values that we share and promote, which was the aim of the author of the play.
We than all Rotaractors who attended the show, especially those from other cities, as well as those who purchasing tickets or inviting their friends helped the success of the action and collection of the necessary funds. The biggest thanks go to the members of the Rotaract Club “Nis – Constantine the Great”, who managed our visit and the facilitated the performance.