The man in a red suit – a theater play (16/05/2012)
“The man in a red suit” is a theatrical performance authors by Rotaract Club Belgrade Dedinje which deals with the demystification of Rotary and clarifying its principles to the public. The show was held on 16th May in Theatre Slavia in front of more than 250 people, among whom were the visitors who first time encountered то the concept of Rotary.
Large visit to our site proves that we have succeeded in promoting our organization. Also curious visitors asked us various questions about Rotary in which we were very happy to answer. This performance was not only aimed at the promotion, but also it had humanitarian pupose, as required by one of the fundamental principles of Rotary. We decided to donate medical equipment to Institute for Oncology and Radiology, as a place where our little is more than necessary.
We do not want us to stop presenting the performance in Belgrade. Our target is to visit numerous cities across Serbia and familiarize citizens with principles of Rotary.