Aid for poor people in the municipality of Sopot (05/24/2015)
Belgrade, 24th of May 2015. – Rotaract Club Belgrade Dedinje and Rotaract Club Belgrade Skadarlija organised a project in Sopot, the poorest Belgrade’s municipality. All members of the clubs collected their clothes and shoes from their closets as well as from other’s, in order to donate it. The project was held in “Dom Kulture” in Sopot, starting at noon. We weren’t even able to arrange all of the clothes, and the citizens started to arrive. Some of them also brought their children’s clothes which they overgrew and supported our project and showed their human values. What we’re really proud of is organisation and mutual collaboration between our clubs. As the project went successfully, and the citizens went home smiling and with their hands full, we proceeded to socialize and enjoy the nature.