Lecture: “STOP GMO in Serbia” (27.03.2014)
Rotaract Club Beograd Dedinje in cooperation with Rotaract Club Beograd Metropolian organized a lecture on the topic: GMO (genetically modified organisms) on March 27 of 2014. in the Belgrade city Hotel.
The lecture was held by Mr. Miladin Ševarlić, President of the Serbian Association of Agricultural Economists, author of many publications, fighter against genetically modified organisms, professor at the Agricultural Faculty in Zemun, etc..
The lecture was attended by guests from other Rotaract clubs, individual students and professors, as well as people who have recognized the importance and seriousness of this topic. In front of a packed hall of the hotel for more than two hours, we had the pleasure to listen to more than interesting, instructive and a bit frightening talk about the truth of GMO. After that, the professor answered questions from our guests. No one is left indifferent after newly discovered facts.
This was also an excellent example of cooperation between Rotaract clubs and true Rotarian spirit.