Author: root

DRR visit and Mosaic lecture (9/26/2013)

On Thursday, 26/09/2013, we had the privilege of welcoming the DRR of our district, Stevan Perovic. After a heartily introduction from Stevan, he wished us a lot of successful activities and deeper cooperation with the...

Helpig Red Cross (9/11/2013)

Rotaract Club Dedinje opened up their new working year commemorating 9/11 with community service, an action that the American Embassy now traditionally conducts with Red Cross Belgrade. With a donation in clothes and school...

Speak out (2.9.2013.)

Rotaract Club Belgrade Dedinje has supported the realization of the action “Speak out“, which represents the support of the national campaign “Prolong life.” Action “Speak out” is meant to highlight the importance of, at first, good information about organ donation, followed by a discussion within family members...