Humanitarian event for the reconstruction of the “Doctor’s Tower” (Madlenianum)
Our Club participated in a humanitarian theater show in Theater Madlenianum which was aimed at gathering funds for the reconstruction “Doctor’s Tower”. “Doctor’s Tower” is an old building within the Clinical center of Serbia, with a devised project for its reconstruction so to house children with malignant diseases and their parents who come to chemotherapy to Clinical Center Serbia from all over the country.
The organizer of this event is Rotary Club Dedinje, which has – with this action – given its full support to the community of Savski Venac and its president Mr. Tomislav Djordjevic as the initiator of this project. The project is been realized in cooperation with the Reublic fond of Heath Insurance, Fond PIO and the Foundation of the preservance of Belgradian Monuments. The support to this initiatives has been given also from the Vice-president of the Democratic party Mrs. Jelena Trivan and the Mayor of Belgrade, Mr. Dragan Djilas.
This event has been held on the 18th of March 2011. and included many renowed performers, as Merima Njegomir, Suzana Suvakovic (the primadona of Belgrade’s Opera), opera singer Oliver Njego, Duo Moderato, Vjera Mujovic as the moderator of the venue, KUD GRADIMIR, young performers of folk music of Aleksander Lojanica, Tatjana Vasiljev, Vukasin Vujovic, Milana Drobac – the laureat of the International Competition “Davorin Jenko”.
All together, we have done a significant humanitarian deed for this endangered group of children of Serbia and their parents. We hope this event is just one of many present and future actions aimed to help the sucessful finish of this project. All money from the admission tickets has been submitted to the Fond for the reconstruction of Doctor’s Tower.